Tuesday, July 1, 2008

All of My Friends!!

Mary and I at the Mall!
My beautiful mom who birthed me!

My lovely Sister!

Ive Been Tagged!! :0


B*birthday-December 23rd
C*candy or cake-I would say cake!
D*dessert you love-Strawberry Cheesecake! YUM!
E*easiest person to talk to-Aubrey
F*favorite song-Umm it would have to be "Stay with me (Brass Bed)" Josh Gracin
G*gold or silver-silver
H*habit- hmmmmmm....... i always say "what?" when someone asks me a question when i actually know what they asked
I*instruments you play- piano
J*Job title-Babysitting
L*love or lust-LOVE
M*Married, single or taken-Single
N*next to you- nothin really
O*one wish- I wont be shy in 9th grade
P*person you called last- Staci
Q*Quotes- Life is like a box of CHocolates
R*reasons to smile- When Im pitching and i strike someone out
S*steak or pork- Steak
T*turns you on- Is this appropriate!? ha ha!
U*unique talent- I dont think i have really i wish i did
V*vegetable-Corn, Tomatoes and green beans
W*woke up at what time- Well actually i stayed up til like almost 6:00 and im so tired so im never going to do that ever again
X* x-rays you've gotten- I think the only time was for my moms work they were testing twins and they took my x-ray
Y*your favorite color- Pink!!!
Z*zodiac sign-Pisces

Monday, June 30, 2008


I went to a Party last night and it was so awesome we played the funnest games ever!! We played Dippity dippitty dip (i think thats what it is called) we also played Mofia and Hagoo! It was really fun!

Softball Camp

Last week I had a Softball camp and it was freakin Awesome!! i learned a different pitch which is the drop ball! Also, I got help on my riser so its working pretty but this week I have a softball tournament and we are going to win! maybe......but then next week we have girls camp and i am going to nationals which is in Utah !!